19 January 2009

Renunion: Summer of '64 Union Freedom Rides

The Summer of '64, also known as the Freedom Summer was a campaign to register voters, principally people of color and to promote and support their right-to-vote in Mississippi, in the summer of 1964. The project was a collaborative effort unifying community and civil rights leaders, students, and people of faith. Pictured are (l-r) The mother of slain CORE community voting organizer Andrew Goodman with a Mississippi community activist, youth participating in the day of remembrance and reunion, USC Academic, writer, and Mississippi civil rights Dr. Endesha Ida Mae Holland, and noted Professor, Writer and American Civil Rights Leader  Julian Bond. 
All photos (exception of Dr. Holland) were taken in Jackson Mississippi, August 2004, and published in the Washington Post. 
Images owned & copyright Ana Elisa Fuentes.  Please do not use without my permission. Thank you.

Video of the 40-year reunion, recorded by Patti Miller may be seen here
A video of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, featuring President Kennedy  may be seen here 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr  I Have a Dream speech, may be seen here

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